Convert Date
Convert a date to a different format.
Microsoft formatting rules are applied.
Code | Description |
y | The last digit of the year. For example, 2005 would be represented as 5. |
yy | The last two digits of the year number. For example, in this format 2005 would be represented as 05. |
yyyy | The year number in four digits. For example, in this format 2005 would be represented as 2005. |
M | Month as a number from 1 to 12. If the month number is a single-digit number, it is displayed without a leading zero. |
MM | Month in two digits. If the month number is a single-digit number, it is displayed with a leading zero. |
MMM | The name of the month in three letters. For example, August would be represented as Aug. |
MMMM | The name of the month spelled in full. This format is supported only for output time. Note: This format is only supported for the output format. |
d | Day as a number from 1 to 31. If the day number is a single-digit number, it is displayed without a leading zero. |
dd | Day in two digits. If the day number is a single-digit number, it is displayed with a leading zero. |
ddd | The abbreviated name of the day of the week in three letters. For example, Saturday is abbreviated as “Sat”. |
dddd | The full name of the day of the week. For example, Saturday is displayed in full. Note: This format is only supported for the output format. |
h | Hour as a number from 1 to 12 when using the 12-hour clock. If the hour number is a single-digit number, it is displayed without a leading zero. |
hh | Hour in two digits using the 12-hour clock. If the hour number is a single-digit number, it is displayed with a leading zero. |
H | Hour as a number from 0 to 23 when using the 24-hour clock. For example, in this format 1 pm would be represented as 13. If the hour number is a single-digit number, it is displayed without a leading zero. |
HH | Hour in two digits using the 24-hour clock. For example, in this format 1 pm would be represented as 13. If the hour number is a single-digit number, it is displayed with a leading zero |
m | Minutes as a number from 0 to 59. If the minute number is a single-digit number, it is displayed without a leading zero. |
mm | Minutes in two digits. If the minute number is a single-digit number, it is displayed with a leading zero. |
s | Seconds as a number from 0 to 59. If the second number is a single-digit number, it is displayed without a leading zero. |
ss | Seconds in two digits. If the second number is a single-digit number, it is displayed with a leading zero. |
.fff | Milliseconds. |
tt | A.M. or P.M. as two letters: A.M. or P.M. as defined on your system. |
Here are some examples of dates and times and their corresponding format:
Format | Date |
MM/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss tt |
08/05/2020 15:05 |
M/d/yy h:m:s tt |
08/05/2020 15:05 |
ddd MMM dd yyyy |
Sat Aug 05 2020 |
dddd, MMMM dd yyyy |
Saturday, August 05 2020 |